Jacques Maritain (1882-1973)
Jacques Maritain, French philosopher and political thinker, was one of the principal exponents of Thomism in the twentieth century and an influential interpreter of the thought of St Thomas Aquinas.

Bibliographical resources for PHIL 304: The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas (Redeemer Pacific College)

Compiled by Dr. Christopher S. Morrissey

Collected Works: [Vol. I] [Vol. VII] [Vol. XI] [Vol. XX]

Degrees Maritain Person and Common Good An Introduction to Philosophy Natural Law Christianity and Democracy, and The Rights of Man and Natural Law

The Return of Thomistic Political Philosophy, Part I [Part 2]

Jacques Maritain's legacy in Canada

Canadian Jacques Maritain Association

Jacques Maritain, Man and the State in TWU Library JC261 .M32 1956

Jacques Maritain, The Person and the Common Good (Notre Dame, Ind.: U. of Notre Dame P., 1947). [PDF on personalism]

Jacques Maritain, "The End of Machiavellianism" in The Range of Reason

Jacques Maritain on St. Thomas Aquinas


American Maritain Association

The Vocation of the Catholic Philosopher: From Maritain to John Paul II The Renewal of Civilization: Essays in Honor of Jacques Maritain Human Person [2003 conference: University of Chicago] Maritain and America [2002 conference: Princeton University] Beauty, Art, and the Polis [1997 conference: Boston College]

Ransoming the Time: Human Nature, Earthly Destiny, and Christian Wisdom [2011 conference: St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN]

Scholasticism and Politics [2010 conference: Walsh University]

St. Thomas and the Problem of Evil [2009 conference: University of St. Thomas]

Love and Friendship [2008 conference: St. John’s Seminary & Boston College]

The Majesty and Poverty of Metaphysics [2007 conference: Notre Dame University]

Nature, Science and Wisdom: The Role of the Philosophy of Nature [2006 conference: Aquinas College, Nashville, TN]

Philosophy and Vocation: Intellectual and Spiritual Conditions for Renewal [2005 conference: Catholic University of America, Washington, DC]

The Renewal of Civilization [2004 conference: Emory University]

The Human Person and a Culture of Freedom [2003 conference: University of Chicago]

Maritain and America [2002 conference: Princeton University]

Truth Matters [2001 conference: Boca Raton, Florida]

Faith, Scholarship, and Culture in the 21st Century [2000 conference: University of Notre Dame]

Jacques Maritain and the Many Ways of Knowing [1999 conference: Berkeley, California]

Reassessing the Liberal State: Reading Maritain's Man and the State [1998 conference: USAF Academy]

Beauty, Art, and the Polis [1997 conference: Boston College]


Maritain Maritain

"The Political Commentary of Christopher Dawson and Jacques Maritain, 1927-1939"

"Nature and Grace: The Theological Foundations of Jacques Maritain's Public Philosophy" [PDF]