Dietrich von Hildebrand: Philosopher of the Heart

Ethics What is Philosophy Life

A Dietrich von Hildebrand Bibliography: compiled by Dr. Christopher S. Morrissey, Trinity Western University

Partially based on the bibliography given in American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91.4 (Fall 2017): 751-754.

1916. Die Idee der sittlichen Handlung (The Idea of Moral Action) = IMA.

1922. Sittlichkeit und ethische Werterkenntnis (Morality and the Knowledge of Ethical Values, trans. forthcoming) = KMV.

1927. Reinheit und Jungfräulichkeit (In Defense of Purity, trans. 1931, 2017) = IDP.

1929. Die Ehe (Marriage, trans. 1942, 1984, 1991, 1997) = MFL.

1930. Metaphysik der Gemeinschaft. Untersuchungen uüber Wesen und Wert der Gemeinschaft (The Metaphysics of Community) = MC (GW 4).

1933. Sittliche Grundhaltungen (Mainz: Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag) = SG. Later translated as 1950 FMA.

1933a. Liturgie und Persönlichkeit (Liturgy and Personality, trans. 1943, 2016) = LP.

1940. Die Umgestaltung in Christus. Die christliche Grundhaltung (Transformation in Christ: On the Christian Attitude, trans. 1948, 2001) = TIC (GW 10).

1950. Fundamental Moral Attitudes (English translation of SG 1933 by Alice Jourdain) = FMA.

1953. Christian Ethics (New York: David McKay Company) = CE.

1953a. The New Tower of Babel = NTB.

1955. True Morality and Its Counterfeits = TMC, later republished as 1966 MSE.

1955a. Die Menschheit am Scheideweg (Regensburg: Habbel Verlag). Some of these essays are published in English translations in NTB 1953a.

1957. Wahre Sittlichkeit und Situationsethik (Düsseldorf: Patmos-Verlag) = WSS = German publication of 1955 TMC.

1957a. Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality = GI.

1960. What is Philosophy? = WIP.

1961. "The Modes of Participation in Value", International Philosophical Quarterly 1.1: 58-84.

1962. Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert (Regensburg: Josef Habbel) = MBS.

1963. Not as the World Gives: St. Francis' Message to Laymen Today (Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press) = NWG.

1965. The Heart (reprinted by St. Augustine's Press, 2007) = TSH.

1965a. The Art of Living (expanded versions of FMA 1950, published in 1965, 1994, and 2017) = TAL.

1966. Morality and Situation Ethics (Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1966) = MSE. Reprint of 1955 TMC with a new Preface and a new Epilogue.

1966a. Man and Woman (reprinted 2002) = MW.

1967. The Trojan Horse in the City of God (reprinted 1999) = TH.

1968. Die Enzyklika Humanae Vitae: ein Zeichen des Widerspruchs (The Encyclical Humanae Vitae: Sign of Contradiction, trans. 1969, 2018) = EHV.

1971. Das Wesen der Liebe (Regensburg: Josef Habbel) = GW 3. Translated by John F. Crosby with John Henry Crosby as The Nature of Love (South Bend: St. Augustine's Press, 2009) = TNL.

1972. Ethics (Franciscan Herald Press), 2nd edition of 1953 CE.

1976. Was ist Philosophie? (Stuttgart: Kohlhammer) = GW 1. German original of WIP 1960.

1977. Ästhetik vol. 1 (Aesthetics vol. 1, trans. Hildebrand Press, 2016) = A1 (GW 5).

1980. Moralia (Regensburg: Josef Habbel) = GW 9.

1980a. Über den Tod (Jaws of Death: Gate of Heaven, trans. 1991) = JD.

1980b. Über die Dankbarkeit ("On Gratitude", trans. in TAL 1994: 103-139) = OG. 

1984. Ästhetik vol. 2 (Aesthetics vol. 2, trans. Hildebrand Press, 2019) = A2 (GW 6).

1994. Memoiren und Aufsätze gegen den Nationalsozialismus, 1933-1938 (My Battle Against Hitler: Faith, Truth, and Defiance in the Shadow of the Third Reich, trans. 2014) = BAH.

2007. The Heart (St. Augustine's Press edition of 1965 TSH).

2007a. The Dietrich von Hildebrand LifeGuide (St. Augustine's Press anthology) = LG.

2009. The Nature of Love (St. Augustine's Press translation of 1971 TNL).

2014. My Battle Against Hitler (Image Books Penguin Random House edition of 1994 BAH).

2016. Aesthetics, vol. 1 (Hildebrand Press edition of A1).

2016a. Liturgy and Personality (Hildebrand Press edition of LP).

2017. The Art of Living (Hildebrand Press edition of 1965 TAL).

2017a. In Defense of Purity: An Analysis of the Catholic Ideals of Purity and Virginity (Hildebrand Press edition of 1927 IDP).

2019. Aesthetics, vol. 2 (Hildebrand Press edition of A2).

2019a. Graven Images: Substitutes for True Morality (Hildebrand Press edition of 1957 GI).

2019b. Morality and Situation Ethics (Hildebrand Press edition of 1966 MSE).

2019c. Beauty in the Light of the Redemption (Hildebrand Press), an essay from 1953 NTB.

2020. Ethics (Hildebrand Press), 3rd edition of 1953 CE.

2020a. Jaws of Death: Gate of Heaven (Hildebrand Press edition of 1980 JD).

2021. The Dethronement of Truth (Hildebrand Press), an essay from 1953 NTB.

2023. Gratitude (Hildebrand Press), an essay from 1965 TAL.

2024. The Roots of Moral Evil (Hildebrand Press) = RME.

2025. Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert (Hildebrand Press edition of 1962 MBS, forthcoming).

2025. The Trojan Horse in the City of God (Hildebrand Press edition of 1967 TH, forthcoming).

2025. The Knowledge of Moral Values (Hildebrand Press edition of 1922 KMV, forthcoming).

2026. The Metaphysics of Community (Hildebrand Press edition of 1930 MC, forthcoming).



JD Aesthetics Aesthetics Volume 2 Liturgy Purity

Hitler Lion Trans The Nature of Love The Heart

Humanae Vitae Marriage Man Woman Life Guide

Metaphysics Graven Francis Moralia Jaws

Review of Dietrich von Hildebrand, Ethics (Hildebrand Press, 2020), by Javier E. Carreño Cobos, in New Blackfriars, Volume 102, Issue 1102, November 2021, pp.1020-1022. DOI:

The Heart

"cor ad cor loquitur" ("heart speaks unto heart"): Von Hildebrand is concerned with rehabilitating the affective life of the human person. He thinks that for too long philosophers have held it in suspicion and thought of it as embedded in the body and hence as being much inferior to intellect and will. In reality, he argues, the heart, the center of affectivity, has many different levels, including an eminently personal level; at this level affectivity is just as important a form of personal life as intellect and will. Von Hildebrand develops the idea that properly personal affectivity, far from tending away from an objective relation to being, is in fact one major way in which we transcend ourselves and give being its due. Von Hildebrand also developed the important idea that the heart "in many respects is more the real self of the person than his intellect or will." Yet when people are being heartless pharisees to your face, or subterraneanly cruel behind your back, they are obviously alienated selves, persons pathologically divided within themselves. Read von Hildebrand and understand the joy available to a pure and loving heart, the joy for which the human person was created by God.

Read Dietrich von Hildebrand on the heart.

"Von Hildebrand is the 20th-century doctor of the Church."
Pope Pius XII

"I am personally convinced that, when, at some time in the future,
the intellectual history of the Catholic Church in the twentieth century is written,
the name of Dietrich von Hildebrand will be most prominent among the figures of our time."
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)


Alice von Hildebrand, being introduced by John F. Crosby as keynote speaker
at the 2011 Annual Conference on Christian Philosophy, "The Early Phenomenology: Munich and Göttingen",
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio, April 29, 2011.

Alice von Hildebrand, "Debating Beauty: Jacques Maritain and Dietrich von Hildebrand", Crisis (July/August 2004): 38–41.

Man Woman Woman Bride DAP FMA

Alice von Hildebrand

"New Von Hildebrand essay analyzes Christopher West's approach to Theology of the Body" (CNA, Jul 21, 2010). [Dawn Eden's thesis]