Aristotelian Philosophy of Nature: Significant Recent Scholarship
Robert C. Koons, "Prime Matter and the Quantum Wave Function", Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi 6.1 (2024): 92-119. DOI: 10.3366/anph.2024.0104
William R. Simpson, "Cosmic Hylomorphism", Euro Jnl Phil Sci 11.28 (2021).
David S. Oderberg, "Is Prime Matter Energy?", Australasian Journal of Philosophy (12 Jan 2022), DOI: 10.1080/00048402.2021.2010222
John W. Keck, "Maximal motion and minimal matter: Aristotelian physics and special relativity", Synthese 200 (2022), Article number: 377, pages 1-26.
Published 06 September 2022. DOI:
Article number: 496 = Correction to article: Published 22 November 2022. DOI:
- Albertus Magnus Lyceum
- Constitution and By-Laws of the Albertus Magnus Lyceum
- Albertus Magnus Lyceum Newsletter, #1-11
- Albertus Magnus Lyceum: Agenda, Memorandum on Progress, Report: 1952
- Pamphlet on Science in Synthesis
- Memo on 1952 Summer Session
- Photographs and pamphlets concerning AML activities
- Carlson, "Proposal for a Summer School for Scientists"
- "The Albertus Magnus Lyceum for Natural Science: Report to Provincial Chapter, July 17, 1956"
- Bulletin of the Albertus Magnus Guild
- Two texts on the vocation, achievement, and future plans of the Albertus Magnus Lyceum
- Thomist Bulletin, "Albertus Magnus Lyceum and Contemporary Science"
- List of Publications from Aquinas Institute, and from Albertus Magnus Lyceum
- "Psychologia seu Tertia Pars Philosophiae Naturalis"
- "The Special Sciences of Physics and Chemistry"
- "Relationship of Philosophy to Science (Psychology)"
- O'Rourke: Seminar: "How can the Existence of God Be Proven to Contemporary Scientists"
- Two articles on the Xavier Program
- "On the Position of St. Thomas and the Problem of Natural Science and Faith"
- "The Present State of Research on the Philosophy of Science"
- Bibliographies, Kane and Ashley
- An Experimental Course in Critical Analysis, Part I: Basic Principles (incomplete)
- Ashley and Brother Albert, Report on Discussion on Method of Modern Science
- Benedict Ashley
- Aristotle's Sluggish Earth: The Problematics of the De Caelo
- "Causality and Evolution"
- "Constructing and Reconstructing the Human Body"
- "Three Strands in the Thought of Eckhart, the Scholastic Theologian"
- "The River Forest School and the Philosophy of Nature Today"
- "Scriptural Grounds for Concrete Moral Norms"
- "Research into the Intrinsic Final Causes of Physical Things"
- Ashley and Conway, The Liberal Arts in St. Thomas Aquinas
- Review of Colish, The Mirror of Language
- Review of Montagu, The Concept of the Primitive
- Review of Schlegel, Inquiry into Science: Its Domain and Limits
- Review of Shannon and Cahill, Religion and Artificial Reproduction
- Review of Silver, Judaism and Ethics
- Review of Wilshire, William James and Phenomenology
- Pierre Conway
- "Induction in Aristotle and St. Thomas"
- "In Search of a Happy Ending"
- Principles of Education: A Thomistic Approach
- "What the Modern Man Should Not Believe"
- Review of Blackwell, Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible
- Review of Fairweather, Aquinas on Nature and Grace
- Review of Kocourek, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Nature
- Review of Margenau, Thomas and the Physics of 1958: A Confrontation
- Corcoran
- "Pathological Guilt Feelings"
- "Psychology of the Charismatic Renewal"
- "Thomistic Analysis and Care of Scrupulosity"
- "Adolescent Sexual Maturity: Role of the Family"
- William H. Kane
- Approach to Philosophy: Elements of Thomism
- "Aristotle and Moderate Realism: A Rejoinder"
- "The Cause of Blessed Albert the Great"
- Commentary on Foley, "The Interplay of Art and Nature in Physical Theory"
- Commentary on McWilliam, "The Finality of Matter"
- "Critical Analysis: Scientific Knowledge"
- "Evolution and Modern Man"
- "The Extent of Natural Philosophy"
- "Existence and Causality"
- "Hylemorphism and the Recent Views of the Constitution of Matter"
- "The Ideals of Religious Life"
- Nogar, "Nature: Deterministic or Indeterministic"
- "Outline of a Thomistic Critique of Knowledge"
- "The real contains no more than the possible"
- "Reasons for the Facts of Organic Life"
- "St. Albert's Portrait of Mary"
- "Unification of the Natural Sciences"
- "The Virtue of Obedience"
- "Why We Believe in the Assumption"
- "William James's Theory of Knowledge"
- "La Causa Finale Nella Scienza"
- Review of Heisenberg, Philosophical Problems of Nuclear Science
- Review of Maritain, Philosophy of Nature
- Review of Koestler, The Sleepwalkers
- Review, Koren, Introduction to the Philosophy of Animate Nature
- Review, The Nature of Philosophical Inquiry
- Review of Owen, An Interpretation of Existence
- Review of Rasolo, Le Dilemma du Concours Divin
- Review of Reith, Metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas
- Review of Sambursky, The Physical World of the Greeks, and Philippe, Initiation à la Philosophie d'Aristote
- William Wallace
- "Aquinas on Creation: Science, Theology, and Matters of Fact"
- "Medalists Address: Aquinas, Galileo, and Aristotle"
- Weisheiple, "Twenty-seventh Award of the Aquinas Medal to William A. Wallace, O.P."
- "Aristotelian Influences on Galileo's Thought"
- "The Dating and Significance of Galileo's Pisan Manuscripts"
- "Existential Ethics: A Thomistic Appraisal"
- "The First Way: A Rejoinder"
- "Nature as Animating: The Soul in the Human Sciences"
- "Newtonian Antinomies Against the Prima Via"
- "The Philosophical Setting of Medieval Science"
- "The Problem of Apodictic Proof in Early 17th century Mechanics Galileo, Guevaura, and the Jesuits"
- "Religion and Science: Must There Be a Conflict?"
- "Science, Dialectics, and Rhetoric in Aristotle and Aquinas"
- "St. Thomas Aquinas, Galileo, and Einstein"
- "Thomism and Modern Science: Relationships Past, Present, and Future"
- "Zabarella and Galileo: the Transmission of Paduan Methodology"
- Review of Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vols. 4, 5
- Review of Bryar's St. Thomas and the Existence of God
- Review of de Chardin's Science and Christ
- Review of Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Review of Geil and Maxwell's Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science and Grünbaum's Philosophical Problems of Space and Time
- Review of Melvin Glutz's The Manner of Demonstrating in Natural Philosophy
- Review of Hoenen's De Noetica Geometriae, Originae Theoria Cognitionis
- Review of Kenny's The Five Ways and Reichenbach's The Cosmological Argument. A Reassessment
- Review of J. Kiley's Einstein and Aquinas: A Rapprochement
- Review of Kristeller's Le Thomisme et la pensée italienne de la renaissance
- Review of Kristeller's Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learningand Matsen's Alessandro Achillini and His Doctrine of 'Universals' and 'Transcendentals'
- Review of McMullin's The Inference that Science Makes
- Review of Ramirez's Opera Omnia
- Review of Six Studies of Causality on the Bicentenary of David Hume
- Reviews of Spector, Methodological Foundations of Relativistic Mechanics Sachs, The Field Concept in Contemporary Science, and Grünbaum, Philosophical Problems of Space and Time
- Review of van Steenberghen, Le Retour à saint Thomas, a-t-il encore un sens aujourd'hui? and Mclean, Philosophy in the 20th Century: Catholic and Christian
- James Weisheipl
- "Albert the Great and Medieval Culture"
- "Thomas d'Aquino and Albert His Teacher"
- Aristotelian Methodology: A Commentary on the Posterior Analytics of Aristotle
- "Aristotle's Concept of Nature: Avicenna and Aquinas"
- "The Meaning of Sacra Doctrina in Summa Theologiae I, q. 1"
- "The Nature, Scope, and Classification of the Sciences"
- "The Relationship of Medieval Natural Philosophy to Modern Science: The Contribution of Thomas Aquinas to its Understanding"
- Review of Callus and Hunt, Johannes Blund, Tractatus De Anima
- Review of Clagett, Critical Problems in the History of Science
- Review of Hinnebusch, History of the Dominican Order, vol. II
- Review of vol. 28 of the Leonine edition
- Review of Piolanti, San Tommaso, Fonti e riflessi del suo pensiero, Saggi
- Review of Regis, Epistemology
- Review of Robb, St. Thomas Aquinas Quaestiones De Anima
- Review of Wallace, Causality and Scientific Explanation
- Other Authors
- Sr. Adrian Marie, OP, "The Education of a Scientist"
- Leo M. Bond, OP, The Effect of Bodily Temperament on Psychical Characteristics. River Forest, IL: Pontificia Facultas Philosophiae in Studio Generali Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, 1948.
- John Bonée,
- "Godless Humanism and the Christian School"
- "Historical Setting of the Science-Philosophy Relationship"
- "Theology for the Undergrad: A Reply"
- "Catholicism and the Practice and Theory of Psychoanalysis"
- Thomas Cunningham, "Sir Isaac Newton and Gravitational Attraction"
- Amicetus Fernandez-Alonzo, "Science and Philosophy according to St. Albert the Great"
- Hofstetter, Dineen, Stokely,
- "Skeletal Differences between the Black and White Crappies"
- "The Auditory Organ and Its Relation to the Skull Bones of a Freshwater Teleost"
- Address by John XXIII to the 5th International Thomistic Congress (1960/09/15)
- Sr. Mary Dominic, "Religion and Nature Study: Interrelation at the Primary Level"
- George Polk, "Necessary Distinctions Preliminary to New Investigations in Non-mathematical Physics"
- Sr. M. Rosaire, "Outline of a Critique"
- Seeger, "On Scientific Thought in Literature"
- Vincent Smith,
- "The Child in the World of Creatures
- "Science in the Curriculum"
- Michael Stock, "Consciousness and its Limits According to St. Thomas"
- A.E. Woodruff, "Philosophical Aspects of Quantum Field Theory"
- Notes on Degrés du Savoir
- Review of Ashley, Theologies of the Body: Humanist and Christian, by William May
- Review of Wallace, Galileo and His Sources, by Antonio Moreno
- Review of Nogar, The Lord of the Absurd, by Thomas Heath
- Review of Nogar and Deely, The Problem of Evolution, by F. F. Centore
- Review of Science in Synthesis, by Roy Bode
- Review of Weisheipl, Nature and Motion in the Middle Ages, by Francis Kelley
- Review of Glutz, The Manner of Demonstrating in Natural Philosophy, by William Baumgaertner
- Review of Weisheipl, Albertus Magnus and the Sciences: Commemorative Essays, by William Carroll