Dr. Christopher S. Morrissey

Best Books of 2015: [Catholic World Report] [The Imaginative Conservative] [Voegelin View]
CWR Publications:
- "From an October Night to an Easter Dawn",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Oct 8, 2016).
- "Love & Friendship and the Holy Folly of the Twelve Commandments",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (June 3, 2016).
- "The Great Defense of Tradition",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Apr 5, 2016).
- "Euthanasia Nation: The Perilous Situation in Canada",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Mar 3, 2016).
- "The Reality of Myth and the Force of Star Wars",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Dec 20, 2015).
- "The Unbearable Oppression of Yoga",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Dec 5, 2015).
- "Media Apostle: The Church's "New Media Saint"",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Nov 24, 2015).
- "Introducing the new CWR column "Rational Animals"",
The Dispatch: Catholic World Report (Nov 16, 2015).
- "Making the Case for Catholic Education",
Rational Animals: Catholic World Report (Nov 15, 2015).
- "René Girard and Desire Wars: The Grudge Awakens",
The Dispatch: Catholic World Report (Nov 9, 2015).
- "Catching Up with Roger Scruton: The Philosopher as Composer and Novelist",
The Dispatch: Catholic World Report (Oct 29, 2015).
- "'To double business bound...'",
The Dispatch: Catholic World Report (Sep 23, 2015).
- "An encyclical for people who don't read encyclicals",
Catholic World Report Blog (June 19, 2015).
- "Beer, Chant, and the New Evangelization!",
Catholic World Report Blog (June 15, 2015).
- "Benedicta: Chant to Make the Heart Glad",
Catholic World Report (June 14, 2015).
- "Seasonal
Thoughts on Music Education",
Catholic World Report Blog (January 6, 2015).
- "The Best Books I Read in 2014",
Catholic World Report (January 1, 2015).
- "John Paul II, Women, and the Catholic Contemplative Tradition",
Catholic World Report (October 16, 2014).
- "Metaphysics and the Case Against Scientism",
Catholic World Report (August 25, 2014).
- "Transformers, Dinosaurs, and Angels",
Catholic World Report (July 2, 2014).
- "Casting
Out Satan With Satan: A Review of 300: Rise of an Empire",
Catholic World Report Blog (March 10, 2014).
- "Make Your Lent Beautiful with Lent at Ephesus",
Catholic World Report (February 28, 2014).
- "The Best Books I Read in 2013",
Catholic World Report (January 1, 2014).
- "Make
a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord, All Ye Sisters",
Catholic World Report (September 23, 2013).
- "The
Glorious Chant of 'Angels and Saints at Ephesus'",
Catholic World Report (May 8, 2013).
- "Lost
in Translation (from Latin)?",
Catholic World Report (January 20, 2013).
- "Spielberg's
Lincoln: Politics as Mathematics",
Catholic World Report (December 19, 2012).
- "Is
Prometheus on the 'Index of Forbidden Films'?",
Catholic World Report (September 29, 2012).
- "Prometheus
and the Cross",
Catholic World Report (July 11, 2012).
- "A
Beginner's Guide to the Music of St. Hildegard of Bingen",
Catholic World Report (June 25, 2012).
- "The
Decline of Decadence",
Catholic World Report (May 10, 2012).
Additional Writings for Newspapers: The
B.C. Catholic