Hymn Archive (CBW = Catholic Book of Worship III [1994]; JS = Journeysongs)

7th Sunday in OT (Feb 23, 2025)
Entrance: CBW 443, There's a Wideness in God's Mercy
Offertory: CB2 556, In Christ There is No East or West*
Communion 1: CBW 595, Christians Let Us Love One Another*
Communion 2: JS 640, Christ Before Us*
Recessional: CBW 534, Sent Forth By God's Blessing*

5th Sunday in OT (Feb 9, 2025)
Entrance: All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Offertory: JS 637, In Christ Alone*
Communion 1: JS 781, Seed Scattered and Sown
Communion 2: JS 673, Be Not Afraid*
Recessional: JS 737 = CBW 475, God, Whose Glory Reigns Eternal*

3rd Sunday in OT (Jan 26, 2025)
Entrance: CBW 563, Sing A New Song*
Offertory: CBW 582, Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness* = CBW 583, As We Gather at Your Table*
Communion 1: JS 639 = CBW 445, Earthen Vessels*
Communion 2: JS 793, One Bread, One Body*
Recessional: JS 589 = CBW 561, O God Beyond All Praising

Baptism of the Lord (Jan 12, 2025)
Prelude: Personent Hodie*
Entrance: CBW 366, O Raise Your Eyes on High
Offertory: CBW 350, When Jesus Comes to Be Baptized*
Communion 1: CBW 466, Father, Lord of Earth and Heaven* = CBW 565, See Us Lord About Your Altar
Communion 2: CBW 335, The People Who in Darkness Walked*
Communion 3: CBW 330, Of the Father's Love Begotten
Communion 4: Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Recessional: CBW 328, Joy to the World*

Mary, Mother of God (Jan 1, 2025)
Entrance: JS 484, O Most Holy One = O Sanctissima*
Offertory: CBW 338, What Child is This*
Communion 1: JS 302, Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming
Communion 2: JS 306, It Came Upon the Midnight Clear*
Communion 3: CBW 330, Of the Father's Love Begotten
Communion 4: JS 322, O Come, Little Children*
Communion 5: Wexford Carol*
Recessional: JS 472, Sing of Mary Pure and Lowly*

Holy Family (Dec 29, 2024)
Entrance: CBW 323, Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Offertory: JS 327, Once in Royal David's City*
Communion 1: JS 324, Away in the Manger*
Communion 2: CBW 337, Huron Carol*
Communion 3: CBW 330, Of the Father's Love Begotten
Recessional: CBW 328, Joy to the World*

Christmas Day (Dec 25, 2024)
Entrance: CBW 320, Angels We Have Heard on High
Offertory: JS 314, Good Christians All Rejoice
Communion 1: CBW 329, O Come All Ye Faithful*
Communion 2: JS 311, Go, Tell it On the Mountain*
Communion 3: JS 309, Silent Night*
Recessional: CBW 328, Joy to the World*

4th Sunday of Advent (Dec 22, 2024)
Entrance: JS 279, O Come Divine Messiah*
Offertory: JS 483, Ave Maria (Norbert)*
Communion 1: JS 280, The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came*
Communion 2: JS 282, The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns*
Communion 3: JS 281, When the King Shall Come Again*
Recessional: JS 297, People Look East*

2nd Sunday of Advent (Dec 8, 2024)
Entrance: JS 274, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel*
Offertory: JS 289, Every Valley*
Communion 1: JS 290, Creator of the Stars of Night
Communion 2: JS 281, When the King Shall Come Again*
Recessional: JS 296, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus*

Year B

Christ the King (Nov 24, 2024)
Entrance: CBW 437, Crown Him with Many Crowns
Offertory: CBW 427, At the Name of Jesus
Communion 1: CBW 426, Alleluia, Sing to Jesus
Communion 2: JS 690, The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Recessional: CBW 438, To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Nov 10, 2024)
Entrance: CBW 644, O God Our Help in Ages Past
Offertory: CBW 538, Behold a Broken World We Pray* = JS 699, My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Communion 1: JS 690, The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Communion 2: JS 829, Cry of the Poor*
Recessional: CBW 447, A Living Faith = CBW 446, Faith of Our Fathers*

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Oct 27, 2024)
Entrance: JS 574, Glory and Praise to Our God*
Offertory: CBW 582, Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness* = CBW 583, As We Gather at Your Table*
Communion 1: CBW 429, Word of God, Come Down on Earth
Communion 2: JS 640, Christ Before Us*
Recessional: CBW 449, For All the Saints

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Oct 13, 2024)
Entrance: CBW 535, Now Thank We All Our God
Offertory: JS 737 = CBW 475, God, Whose Glory Reigns Eternal*
Communion 1: JS 673, Be Not Afraid*
Communion 2: JS 840, Godhead Here in Hiding
Recessional: CBW 534, Let All Things Now Living*

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Entrance: JS 682, Though the Mountains May Fall*
Offertory: CBW 440, Come Lord to Our Souls Come Down
Communion 1: JS 738, Prayer of St. Francis*
Communion 2: JS 733, The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Recessional: CBW 534, Let All Things Now Living*

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Sep 14 = Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross)
Entrance: JS 677, Blest Be the Lord*
Offertory: JS 637, In Christ Alone*
Communion 1: CBW 516, JS 732, Only This I Want*
Communion 2: JS 719, What Wondrous Love
Recessional: CBW 435, Lift High the Cross

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Entrance: CBW 582, Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness* = CBW 583, As We Gather at Your Table
Offertory: JS 829, Cry of the Poor*
Communion 1: CBW 445, Earthen Vessels*
Communion 2: CBW 429, Word of God, Come Down on Earth
Recessional: CBW 443, There's a Wideness in God's Mercy

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Entrance: CBW 563, Sing A New Song*
Offertory: CBW 498, Lord of Creation, to You Be All Praise
Communion 1: CBW 445, Earthen Vessels*
Communion 2: CBW 595, Christians Let Us Love One Another
Recessional: CBW 561, O God Beyond All Praising


Disputed Question: Are There Parts of the Mass that Women Are Not Permitted to Sing? [Answer: NO!]

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Recommended: employ organ accompaniment to the Gregorian melodies, in the style of the Belgian school.

"Among the musical instruments that have a place in church the organ rightly holds the principal position, since it is especially fitted for the sacred chants and sacred rites. It adds a wonderful splendor and a special magnificence to the ceremonies of the Church. It moves the souls of the faithful by the grandeur and sweetness of its tones. It gives minds an almost heavenly joy and it lifts them up powerfully to God and to higher things."—Pope Pius XII, Musicae Sacrae n.58


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