Dr. Christopher S. Morrissey

An archive of writings from 2014 and earlier is listed below.
The archive for the current year is found here.
C. S. Morrissey: Videos
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Redeemer Pacific
Translator of Hesiod's Theogony
/ Works and Days
A bibliography of writings by C. S. Morrissey for The
B.C. Catholic:
- "Santa
Pope battles Grinch Pope Emeritus in new myth", The B.C. Catholic
(Dec 15, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "True
law is right reason in agreement with Nature", The B.C. Catholic
(Dec 1, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Interstellar
impels science-minded to ponder angels", The B.C. Catholic
(Nov 17, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Real
Humanism fosters a truly beautiful culture", The B.C. Catholic
(Nov 3, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Hildebrand
deployed philosophy in battling Hitler", The B.C. Catholic
(Oct 20, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Pope
Francis says vanity is layered like an onion", The B.C. Catholic
(Oct 6, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "The
Giver flees from a totalitarian society via beauty", The
B.C. Catholic (Sep 22, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Unsung hero Groot illustrates the
path of serenity", The B.C. Catholic (Sep 8, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Pope Francis chooses to dine at a
table of heroes", The B.C. Catholic (Aug 25, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Oxonian responds to Hawking: God's
Not Dead", The B.C. Catholic (July 21, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Pope Francis and Wicked teach
us to defy gravity", The B.C. Catholic (July 7, 2014), 7.
- "Pope Francis recalls first love on
the edge of eternity", The B.C. Catholic (June 23, 2014),
7. [HTML]
- "Good mutants fight perverse notion
of freedom", The B.C. Catholic (June 9, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Avengers
assemble to honour terminally ill Catholic", The B.C. Catholic
(May 26, 2014), 7 and 16. [HTML]
- "Pope
tweets about equality: Should liberals rejoice?", The B.C. Catholic
(May 12, 2014), 7–8. [HTML]
- "Without
sacred space for beauty, no true love exists", The B.C. Catholic
(Apr 28, 2014), 7 and 13. [HTML]
- "Noah
takes Scripture seriously and is very artful", The B.C. Catholic
(Apr 14, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Without
humility, one cannot receive God's word", The B.C. Catholic
(Mar 31, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Greeks and gladiators battle Gospel
at box office", The B.C. Catholic (Mar 17, 2014), 7 and 13.
- "Pope suggests witness as alternative
to ideology", The B.C. Catholic (Mar 3, 2014), 7–8.
- "Culture
needs faith-and-reason-based law schools", The B.C. Catholic
(Feb 17, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Pope
Francis & Stephen Hawking unveil black holes", The B.C. Catholic
(Feb 3, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Pope
rebukes narcissistic Pharisees in our midst", The B.C. Catholic
(Jan 20, 2014), 7. [HTML]
- "Pope
Francis warns of real-life dragon sickness", The B.C. Catholic
(Jan 6, 2014), 7-8. [HTML]
- "Hobbits
debunk the media's latest Francis fantasy", The B.C. Catholic
(December 16, 2013), 8 and 23. [HTML]
- "Theological handbook
transmits Catholicism to the next generation", The B.C. Catholic
(December 9, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "The
Hunger Games reflects a myth for our times", The B.C. Catholic
(December 2, 2013), 7. [HTML]
- "Christians
are destined to wield the hammer of Thor", The B.C. Catholic
(November 18, 2013), 7. [HTML]
- "Blessed John Paul II promoted 'civilization
of love'", The B.C. Catholic (November 4, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Gravity
evokes expansive vision of fragile human life", The B.C. Catholic
(October 21, 2013), 7. [HTML]
- "Gossip
and slander: Satan's strategy against Francis", The B.C. Catholic
(October 7, 2013), 7. [HTML]
- "Beauty
opens hearts to the love of God", The B.C. Catholic (September
23, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Silver
screen monsters lack intellectual basis", The B.C. Catholic
(September 9, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Stories
often help us find our way to the Gospel", The B.C. Catholic
(August 26, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "If
your life was a movie, what genre would it be?", The B.C. Catholic
(July 22, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Theologian gives four steps to renew culture
of faith", The B.C. Catholic (July 15, 2013), 15. [PDF]
- "Man
of Steel
invokes Platonic ideas in brilliant way", The B.C. Catholic
(July 8, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Super-heroic
virtue encounters cave of darkness", The B.C. Catholic (June
24, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "False
liberty offers a diminshed, wretched freedom", The B.C. Catholic
(June 10, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Connecting
truth with beauty exalts them both", The B.C. Catholic (May
27, 2013), 7. [PDF] [News
- "Beauty
helps us find our way out of the storm", The B.C. Catholic
(May 13, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Road
of conversion must always be followed: Pope", The B.C. Catholic
(Apr 29, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Beauty
is the antidote for 'spiritual worldliness'", The B.C. Catholic
(Apr 15, 2013), 7 and 22. [PDF]
- "What
do the media say about Pope Francis?", The B.C. Catholic (Apr
1, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Live
from Vatican City: more rivalry and ambition?", The B.C. Catholic
(Mar 18, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "A
tale of two Bens", The B.C. Catholic (Mar 4, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Should
we be 'men who row against the current'?", The B.C. Catholic
(Feb 18, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "March
for Life reveals Emperor Obama's new clothes", The B.C. Catholic
(Feb 4, 2013), 7 and 11. [PDF]
- "Critics
paint portrait of duchess with unfavourable brush", The B.C. Catholic
(Jan 21, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "All
the world's a stage, and we are merely tweeters", The B.C. Catholic
(Jan 7, 2013), 7. [PDF]
- "Spielberg stinks up math, politics, and film-making", The B.C. Catholic (Dec 17, 2012), 9. [HTML] [PDF]
- "Pope illuminates 'reasonableness of faith in God'", The B.C. Catholic (Dec 3, 2012), 7. [HTML] [PDF]
- "Church remains 'patroness and protector'
of Latin", The B.C. Catholic (Nov 26, 2012), 7. [HTML] [PDF]
- "Documentary explores Christian teachings
on hell", The B.C. Catholic (Oct 1, 2012), 15. [HTML]
- "St.
Thomas Aquinas enters the U.S. election race", The B.C. Catholic
(Sep 3, 2012), 7. [HTML
version] [PDF]
- "Latin diplomas debut at Redeemer Pacific
College", The B.C. Catholic (May 28, 2012), 2. [HTML
- "The spirit of the liturgy: 'And with your
spirit'", The B.C. Catholic (May 7, 2012), 8.
- "The Hunger Games delivers a
lesson on divine rescue", The B.C. Catholic (Apr 2, 2012), 7–8.
- "Anti-Catholicism: a double standard that
deserves doubt", The B.C. Catholic (Mar 12, 2012), 11. [HTML
version: The complete review]
- "Renewing conviviality: An interview
with Peter Stockland", The B.C. Catholic (Mar 5, 2012), 7. [HTML
version: The complete interview]
- "Emperor asks a number of questions about
life & faith", The B.C. Catholic (Feb 27, 2012), 7.
- "Sola laus leaves liturgy at a
loss, says Aldergrove pastor", The B.C. Catholic (Feb 13, 2012),
2. [HTML
- "Capitalism needs Catholicism to succeed",
The B.C. Catholic (Nov 7, 2011), 7. [HTML
- "Do you take unfair cream & sugar with your
'fair trade' coffee?", The B.C. Catholic (Sep 19, 2011), 7. [HTML
- "Is Fair Trade really a poverty solution?",
The B.C. Catholic (Sep 12, 2011), 7. [HTML
- "Theology intertwines with science — Part
2", The B.C. Catholic (Aug 22, 2011), 7. [HTML
[corrected sentence (substitute for the sentence at the end of the ninth paragraph):
"Ideoscopic science thus presupposes and cannot be founded on anything
other than cenoscopic experience."]
- "Theology intertwines with science",
The B.C. Catholic (Jul 25, 2011), 7. [HTML
[to be read with a caveat (from John Deely's Four Ages) on
to Do with Common Sense?"]
- "'Fair trade' fails to live up to its message",
The B.C. Catholic (Jul 11, 2011), 7. [HTML
- "Meditations impart insight on education",
review of Ryan Topping, Augustine
(Continuum Library of Educational Thought, Vol. 17), in The B.C. Catholic
(Jun 6, 2011), 7.
- In the news: "Do good, avoid evil: unwritten
law", The B.C. Catholic (May 2, 2011), 3–13.
- "Bottling up discontent over water issues",
The B.C. Catholic (Feb 28, 2011), 7.
[my reply to the proponents
of a one-size-fits-all solution]
- "Redeemer Pacific explores bishops'
letter on chastity:
Lecture tackled questions surrounding 'authentic Christian chastity' and why
it's important today", The B.C. Catholic (Feb 14, 2011), 3.
- "The right to water, 'an essential element':
Human connectivity can be enabled by 'a network of economic institutions,'
Pope Benedict writes", The B.C. Catholic (Jan 24, 2011), 7.
[my reply to the enthusiasts
of the bottled water crusade]
- "'Great authors can illuminate a culture':
Catholic students operate an online literary lighthouse showcasing Catholic
culture in Canada", The B.C. Catholic (Jan 17, 2011), 3. [HTML
[interview with Catherine Nolan, the Editor-in-Chief of The
Alexandrian: Journal of Catholic Culture in Canada]
- "Facing the crusade against bottled water",
The B.C. Catholic (Dec 13, 2010), 7. [HTML
[my comment on why the
bottled water crusade is misguided (see Nov 22 issue, page 7)]
- "Fr. Spitzer is antidote to faulty logic",
The B.C. Catholic (Oct 4, 2010): 6.
[print version of the Web publication listed below]
- "Father
Spitzer: the antidote to Stephen Hawking's faulty logic", www.bccatholic.org
(Sep 12, 2010).
[my comment on the M-theory
controversy: the laws of gravity and quantum theory are not unconditioned]
- "Benedict's preacher deserves better",
The B.C. Catholic (Apr 12, 2010), 8.
[my comment on the firestorm over an example
to illustrate mimetic theory]
- "He paved road to understanding Aquinas",
The B.C. Catholic (Mar 22, 2010), 12.
[my obituary for Ralph McInerny: requiescat in pace]
- "A Catholic take on the vampire vogue", The
B.C. Catholic (Dec 21, 2009), 17.
- "Has Notre Dame University lost its faith?", The
B.C. Catholic (May 18, 2009), 8.
- "Render Unto Obama? Needed: A Faith-and-Reason University", CatholicOnline.com
(May 16, 2009).
- "Obama nation", The
B.C. Catholic (Mar 16, 2009), 14.
- "President Visits Canada", CatholicOnline.com
(Feb 19, 2009).
- "Who's your neighbour?", The
B.C. Catholic (Feb 16, 2009), 9.
- "What does Obama's inauguration augur?",
The B.C. Catholic (Jan 26, 2009), 4.
- "The
Obama Economy: With Charity toward None?", CatholicOnline.com
(Jan 22, 2009).
- "Archbishop
Miller addresses Redeemer Pacific College", CatholicOnline.com
(Jan 16, 2009).
- "Can you get what you want? Catholic mind at work," Review of
James V. Schall, The Mind that is Catholic: Philosophical and Political
Essays (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2008),
in The B.C. Catholic (Dec 8, 2008), 11. [View
- "Greek Bible now available in a new translation," The B.C.
Catholic (Oct 6, 2008), 20. [View item].
- "What if? Thomas Aquinas, Political Pundit," CatholicOnline.com
(Sep 17, 2008). [View
- "Order of Canada now a threat to liberty," The B.C. Catholic
(Sept 1, 2008), 8. [View item].
- "Vatican Latin reboots education for true freedom," The B.C.
Catholic (July 28, 2008), 7. [View item].
- "Catholic university is 'our heritage': Archbishop Miller speaks to Redeemer
Pacific College on 'the greatness of the Catholic intellectual tradition',"
The B.C. Catholic (June 23, 2008), 9. [View
- "Order must be 'already built in': Catholic physicist speaks at TWU on harmony
of modern physics and ancient faith," The B.C. Catholic (Apr 21, 2008),
2. [View item].
- "Faith, reason, and the university," The B.C. Catholic (Mar 31, 2008),
4 and 16. [View item].
- "Canada has unique religious political history: priest," The B.C. Catholic
(Mar 31, 2008), 4. [View item].
- "'Fair looks and a kind heart' not enough," The B.C. Catholic (Mar
17, 2008), 14. [View item].
- "Students take on the ogres of Spiderwick," The B.C. Catholic (Mar
3, 2008), 10. [View item].
- "Catholic students 'Meet the Spartans'," The B.C. Catholic (Feb 11,
2008), 7. [View item].
2007 – 2004
- "Pope Benedict contemplates truth," The B.C. Catholic (Dec 17, 2007),
25. [View item].
- "Pope proposes a new 'solidarity' against utopian ideologies," Catholic
Ezine (November 2007). [View
- "Document on one, true Church advances ecumenism," The B.C. Catholic
(July 23, 2007), 12. [View item].
- "Redeemer launches ecumenical journal", C. S. Morrissey interviewed
by J. J. Hutcheson in The B.C. Catholic (November 6, 2006): 4.
- "The way toward wisdom is through metaphysics", Review of Benedict
M. Ashley, The Way toward Wisdom in The B.C. Catholic (October
2, 2006): 8.
- "The truth about modern physics, man, and God," Review of Anthony Rizzi,
The Science Before Science: A Guide to Thinking in the 21st Century,
in The B.C. Catholic (May 9, 2005), 8. [View
- "A voice of reason in today's world," Review of James V. Schall, S.J., Roman
Catholic Political Philosophy, in The B.C. Catholic (August 30,
2004), 9. [View item].
Academic Publications by C.S. Morrissey: