Dr. Christopher S. Morrissey

Recent Papers and Presentations

Chris and Angela Morrissey giving a Gregorian chant workshop at St. George's School to the Junior Classical League on April 9, 2011

"Anima Projection and Psychological Types: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba", Paper presented at the International Association for Jungian Studies online conference on "Jung and Duality: Contemporary Thought", Friday, Dec 6, 2024, at 12:30pm.

"Monotheism, Intolerance, and the Path to Pluralistic Politics: A Schellingian Review", Paper presented at the American Academy of Religion (AAR) annual meeting, Colloquium on Violence and Religion panel on "Exploring Mimetic Theory: Theological and Political Dimensions", Sunday, Nov 24, 2024, 9:30am-11:00am, Hilton Bayfront, Sapphire 402 (Fourth Level), San Diego, CA. https://papers.aarweb.org/online-program-book-print/51091

"Schelling's Psychological Interpretation of Scripture: The Role of the Unconscious", Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) annual meeting, Psychology and Biblical Studies panel on "The Unconscious and Exclusion", Saturday, Nov 23, 2024, 4:00pm-6:30pm, Hilton Bayfront, Aqua Salon F (Third Level), San Diego, CA. https://www.sbl-site.org/meetings/Congresses_ProgramBook.aspx?MeetingId=45

"The Literary Unconscious: Conservation and Compensation in Descartes' Dreams",
Paper presented at the Western Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature, at Trinity Western University, on May 11, 2024, at 11:00-12:30 a.m. in Session 5B. https://www.ccctwu2024.ca/schedule

"'It Is': Actual, or Possible, Existence? Nineteen Disputed Accents in the Greek New Testament",
Paper presented at "Paper Session 17: New Testament", SBL Global Virtual Meeting 2024, April 3 at 3:00-4:30pm EDT. https://event.sblgvm2024.exordo.com/session/36/paper-session-17-new-testament

"Child Psychology? A Neglected Interpretation of Sophia in Proverbs 8",
Paper presented on the panel "Psychological Approaches to Biblical Literature", SBL Global Virtual Meeting 2024, April 1 at 3:30-5:00pm EDT. https://event.sblgvm2024.exordo.com/session/8/psychological-approaches-to-biblical-literature

"Dystopia's Tetrad: Revisiting McLuhan's Causal Analysis of Authoritarian Identity Quests", 17th Biennial Communication Ethics Conference: "Communication Ethics as Tenacious Hope",
Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies and the Communication Ethics Institute, Zoom Conference via Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 6-8, 2023. https://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/cfp/2023/01/31/17th-biennial-communication-ethics-conference

"Undressing Tyranny, Thwarting Genocide, and Beheading Armies: Dressing for War as PDE (Principle of Double Effect) Reasoning in the Book of Judith", Research Group on Dress,
Pacific Northwest Regional Conference on Religion and Biblical Studies (sponsored by the American Academy of Religion), PNW AAR Regional Meeting at George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, May 21, 2023, 9:00-9:30pm PDT.

"The Logic of Dress", Response to Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme, "Dressing Up and Dressing Down: An Exploration of Ritual and Social Dress Codes and Transformations in the Hebrew Bible", Research Group on Dress,
Pacific Northwest Regional Conference on Religion and Biblical Studies (sponsored by the American Academy of Religion), PNW AAR Regional Meeting at George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, May 20, 2023, 9:00-9:30pm PDT.

"Friendship as an Intrinsic Good: Aquinas's Fourth Way Argument from Transcendentals",
Pacific Northwest Regional Conference on Religion and Biblical Studies (sponsored by the American Academy of Religion), PNW AAR Regional Meeting at George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, May 19, 2023, 2:45-3:00pm PDT.

"The Logic of Enclitic Accent: Hermann's Rule and the Greek New Testament",
SBL Global Virtual Meeting 2023, Poster Session 7, on Stage 2 at 10:55am-12:30pm EDT,
chaired by Nicole Tilford, SBL Press, on March 30, 2023:

"Narrative Logic of the Parable of the Great Banquet",
SBL Global Virtual Meeting 2023, Panel on "Parables, Proverbs, and Interpretive Possibilities", on Stage 1 at 10:55am-1:00pm EDT,
chaired by Gilad Elbom, Oregon State University, on March 29, 2023:

"Aristotle Against the Megarians",
2nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Aristotle Society,
St. Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario, October 28, 2022.

"The Logic of Sacrifice",
46th Annual Conference of the Semiotic Society of America:
Intentionality and Semiotic Labyrinths,
October 14, 2022.

"John Deely on Logic as a Liberal Art",
IO2S Deely (International Open Seminar on Semiotics):
A Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing,
October 1, 2022. [YouTube livestream video recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64M-7-oPvdA]

"The Cloven Hoof Under the Cassock: Desecration and Self-Giving in Roger Scruton",
Eric Voegelin Society at the American Political Science Association:
Principles of Dissidence Against Totalitarianism: Europe and Beyond,
Friday, September 16, 2022.

"McLuhan's 'Writing on the Wall': Metaphor, Irony, Metonymy & Synecdoche in Daniel 5",
5th Biennial Philosophy of Communication Conference: Pragmatism,
Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies and the Communication Ethics Institute,
2:45-4:00pm EDT on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

"The Greek and Latin Dress of Judith: 'Ex Virtute Pendebat'? (Idt 10:4 Vg)",
Pacific Northwest SBL Regional Meeting on Zoom,
Hebrew Bible: Third Research on Dress, 3:00-3:30pm PDT on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

"On Ruth and Esther", Response to Jenny Matheny, "Sharp Dressed Women: Ruth and Esther",
Pacific Northwest SBL Regional Meeting on Zoom,
Hebrew Bible: Third Research on Dress, 9:00-9:30am PDT on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

"A Generative Exegesis of the Parable of the Pounds (Lk 19:11-28)",
New England/Eastern Canada SBL Regional Meeting on Zoom,
Saturday, March 19, 2022, at 6am.

"A Generative Exegesis of the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:1-20)",
Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society SBL Regional Meeting on Zoom,
Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7am.

"A Generative Exegesis of the Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Mt. 22:1-14): Quotation within Parables - Imaginative Rehearsals of Jesus' Occupation of the Temple",
Mid-Atlantic Regional SBL Regional Meeting on Zoom,
Friday, March 11, 2022, at 3pm.

"Peirce on Beauty as a Predicate of Firstness",
Western Canadian Philosophical Association 57th Annual Conference, and 2nd Salish Sea Aesthetics Workshop,
Victoria Marriott Inner Harbor, Victoria, BC, November 13, 2021.

"An Aesthetic Experience of the Logic of an Algebra of Concepts",
Semiotic Society of America, 45th Annual Conference, Theme: Addressing Precarity: Semiotics, Semiosis, and Semioethics
Zoom Conference via Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 23, 2021.

"Nonviolent Cognition of God with Artificial Intelligence in Computational Metaphysics",
Annual Meeting of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, July 7-10, 2021,
Zoom Conference via Purdue University, July 8, 2021, Concurrent Session 3, Room C, 12:30pm.

"Ruth and the City: McLuhan's Global Village, Migrants, and Nomads",
16th Biennial Communication Ethics Conference: Communication Ethics in Urban Settings
Zoom Conference via Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 8, 2021.

"The Stoic Logic of Indemonstrables and Themata: From an Aristotelian Point of View",
Northwest Ancient Philosophy Workshop 2020,
Zoom Conference via Portland State University, Portland, OR, September 12, 2020.

"Left and Right in the Digital Age", Lectures and Discussion,
Public Lecture with Grant Havers on "Left and Right in the Age of Trump",
6:00-8:00pm, Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, March 10, 2020.

"Subversions of Exclusions: A Commentary on Esther",
Semiotic Society of America, 44th Annual Meeting, Theme: The Semiotics of Borders and the Borders of Semiotics
Portland, Oregon, 2:30pm, October 12, 2019.

"How Do We Build a Good Society?",
The Good Society Lectures presents The Federal Election and a Christian Conscience,
Lectures and Q&A Panel with Dr. Sam Rocha at Precious Blood Parish Hall, Saturday, Sep 28, 2019, 7:00pm-9:30pm.

"Poetry Reading", One Great City,
Poem by C.S. Morrissey, Winner of Second Award from China Poetry Institute,
12noon, Trinity Western University - Richmond, Oct 31, 2018.

"The Logic of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics I. 13",
Northwestern Ancient Philosophy Workshop, on October 27, 2018,
at University of British Columbia at 1pm in Buchanan Room D324.

"C.S. Lewis in Dietrich von Hildebrand on the Objectivity of Beauty", Inklings Institute of Canada: Book Night,
Paper delivered and panel discussion with Dennis Danielson and Zihao Wang on "The Tao of Right and Wrong",
7:00-8:30pm, Fosmark Graduate Collegium, Trinity Western University, Oct 10, 2018.

"Cosmic Origins", Film + Panel,
Panel discussion with Arnold Sikkema and Myron Penner on "Cosmic Origins",
7:00-9:00pm, Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, September 6, 2018.

"The Logic of Galileo",
The Third Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics:
Multimodalities, July 13-15, 2018, at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.

"The Logic of Relativism",
2018 Hildebrand Schülerkreis, July 4-8, in Gaming, Austria.

Theatre Club Talkback Panel on Ron Reed's Tolkien (with Monika Hilder),
Pacific Theatre, located at 12th and Hemlock, Vancouver, BC,
Saturday, May 19, 2018, at 5pm (after the show).

"Logical Structure in Models of Human Nature",
Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation 2018 Conference on "From Sea to Sea... to Sky!",
Trinity Western University, Saturday, May 12, 2018, at 2:15pm in Northwest Auditorium.

"Game of Thrones versus Lord of the Rings",
The YP Lounge Pub Event on the Inklings and Young Professionals Mentorship,
Mahony and Sons Stamps Landing, April 25, 2018. [Video] [Press Coverage]

"The Logic of Science: Science and Wisdom from Jacques Maritain to John Deely",
American Maritain Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 3, 2018. [in absentia]

"What is, has happened already; all that may happen, has happened before",
Trespass: A Storytelling Event, The Watershed Arts Cafe, Langley, BC, November 27, 2017.

"Slaves to the Screen: Do Digital Devices Doom Us?",
CAH Pub Event on "Science and Faith",
Mahony and Sons Stamps Landing, Oct 25, 2017.

"The Globalization of the Technocratic Paradigm",
Conference on "A Sacramental Approach to Ecology",
Trinity Western University, Oct 7, 2017.

"People, Planet, and Profits",
Roundtable on "A Sacramental Approach to Ecology",
All Saints Monastery, Dewdney, BC, Oct 6, 2017.

"Five Ways That Art Knows Spiritual Reality",
Verge Conference 2017 on "Art and Spirituality",
Trinity Western University, September 28-29, 2017.

"John Deely on Logic as a Liberal Art",
Aquinas Leadership International: Fourth Annual Summer World Congress, "Remembering John Deely as Colleague & Philosophical Reformer"
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, Long Island, New York, on July 15, 2017. [in absentia]

"Truth, Goodness, and Beauty: The Three Ideas by Which We Must Judge",
Catholic Art Guild Speaker Series on "Ars Gratia Dei",
St. John Cantius Church, Auditorium, in Chicago, Illinois, at 11am, on May 6, 2017.

"Why Philosophy Needs Literature: The 'Pure Play of Musement' of C.S. Peirce's 'Neglected Argument for the Reality of God' in C.S. Lewis's 'Argument from Reason'",
Verge Conference 2016 on "Arts and the Inklings",
Trinity Western University, September 29, 2016.

"The Analogy of Marshall McLuhan",
Social Media and Human Flourishing, Newman Institute of Catholic Studies
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, at 1:30pm, on September 16, 2016.

"From the Battle of Salamis to The Epidamnus Affair",
Adler-Aquinas Institute Manhattan Philosophical Roundtable,
The King's College, Manhattan, New York City, at 9:30am, on July 12, 2016.

"The Logic of Marshall McLuhan",
Aquinas Leadership International: Third Annual Summer World Congress, "Educating Present and Future Leaders to Promote Global Peace"
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, Long Island, New York, at 1:30pm, on July 9, 2016.

"Masters of Competition: Leadership, Freedom, and Global Peace",
Aquinas Leadership International: Third Annual Summer World Congress, "Educating Present and Future Leaders to Promote Global Peace"
Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, Long Island, New York, at 3:30pm, on July 9, 2016.

"Spinoza and the Stoics: Democracy and the Diffusion of Enlightenment",
British Columbia Political Science Association,
Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo Campus, Panel 6A: "Political Theory", at 11am, on May 13, 2016.

"Body and Soul: God, Me and Evolutionary Biology",
Catholic After Hours
, Vancouver Art Gallery Café, Vancouver, BC, Monday, April 25, 2016, 6:15-8:30pm.

"What's Behind It All? A Debate on God, Science, and the Universe",
Live-Stream with Local Panel, including Prof. Arnold Sikkema and Prof. Dennis Venema,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, March 19, 2016, 4pm–7pm. [Video Replay]

"Is There a Right to Assisted Death?",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle, a joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen,
St. Mark's College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, March 19, 2016, 10am–12pm.

"Death and the Dark Side: A Debate on Physician-Assisted Suicide in Canada",
with Mark Warawa, M.P. (Langley-Aldergrove), Natalie Sonnen, and Prof. John Dyck (TWU, Political Science),
7:00-8:30pm, Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, March 17, 2016.

"Maritain on Logic",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle, a joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen,
Seminary of Christ the King, Mission, BC, October 24, 2015, 2pm–4pm.

"The Logic of Alice",
Tea Party for Alice in Wonderland's 150th Anniversary, Inklings Institute of Canada,
7:00-8:30pm, Fosmark Graduate Collegium, Trinity Western University, October 15, 2015.

"The Return of Aristotelian Syllogistic?",
Northwest Ancient Philosophy Workshop 2015,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, October 11, 2015.

Paper: "The Logic of Evolution",
Semiotic Society of America, 40th Annual Meeting, Theme: Evolutionary Love
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 2, 2015.

Workshop: "Semiotics and Philosophy",
Semiotic Society of America, 40th Annual Meeting, Theme: Evolutionary Love
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1, 2015.

Respondent to Margherita Oberti, "Thomas Aquinas and the Stoics on Natural Law",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle, a joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen and Sister Anne Frances Ai Le, O.P.,
Corpus Christi College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, March 7, 2015, 10am–2pm.

"Does Error Have Any Rights?", Freedom of Speech: Lectures and Discussion,
Public Lecture with Grant Havers on "Is Freedom of Speech an Absolute?",
7:00-9:00pm, Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, March 4, 2015.

"Five Ways that Physics is at the Theological Frontiers",
American Maritain Association Conference, San Francisco, CA, February 26-28, 2015.

"Bonum Est? Thoughts on the Latin Translation of The Hobbit",
Symposium on "Adaptations of The Hobbit: Killing the Book?", Inklings Institute of Canada,
7:00-8:30pm, Fosmark Graduate Collegium, Trinity Western University, January 21, 2015.

"Water Symbolism in Noah: An Introduction to Semiotics" — Guest Lecture,
COMM2 class (Fall 2014) in STR 16, Trinity Western University, November 28, 2014.

"Answering Three Objections to Evolution: Design Within Evolution",
Science and Faith Group (Fall 2014) in NEU 21, Trinity Western University, November 13, 2014.

"Aquinas on the Stoics",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle, a joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen and Sister Anne Frances Ai Le, O.P.,
Corpus Christi College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, November 8, 2014, 10am–2pm.

"Grace That Shimmers on the Surface of Beauty",
Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project, The Power of Beauty Conference,
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio, October 24–25, 2014.

"A Structural-Semiotic Reading of Genesis and Noah: Aquinas on Polysemy and The Elusive Covenant Revisited",
Semiotic Society of America, 39th Annual Meeting, Theme: Paradoxes of Life
Seattle, Washington, October 2–5, 2014.

"Meaning: The Stoic Substitute for Platonic-Aristotelian Form?",
Northwest Ancient Philosophy Workshop 2014,
University of British Columbia, September 27, 2014.

"Somewhere Over the Postmodern Rainbow: Exploratory Cinematic Research and the Polysemy of Scriptural Narratives",
Verge Conference 2014 on "Arts and Research",
Trinity Western University, September 25–26, 2014.

"Finding Beauty and Truth in René Girard: On Roger Scruton's Philosophical Theology",
Thinking the Sacred with Roger Scruton: An International Conference
Birks Building, McGill Faculty of Religious Studies, Montréal, April 11–13, 2014.

"Is Natural Justice Changeable? Considerations from Aristotle, Aquinas, and Anglo-American Democracy",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle paper delivered at the "What is Justice?" joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen (respondent),
Corpus Christi College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, March 1, 2014, 10am–12pm.

"Of Gods and Men",
Film Analysis and Discussion with Q&A,
Redeemer Pacific College, February 20, 2014.

"Hell and Damnation",
TWU Philosophy Department Public Lecture Series Post-Lecture Discussion with Q&A
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, February 13, 2014.

"Philosophy of the Human Person: Jacob von Uexküll's 'Umwelt' and Josef Pieper on The Philosophical Act",
Guest Lecture for NURS 437, "Nursing Theories and Issues", in NEU 36 at 1pm
Trinity Western University, February 7, 2014.

"Is Democracy the Best Regime? Hesiod and Aquinas",
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, November 14, 2013, 7pm–9pm.

"Peirce's Sign Classes and McLuhan's Tetrad: Visual Models Contra Nominalism",
Semiotic Society of America, 38th Annual Meeting, Theme: Why Semiotics?
Dayton, Ohio, October 24–27, 2013.

"The Song of Creation: From Genesis to Tolkien",
Catholic Forum, St. Mary's, Burnaby, BC, October 15, 2013, 7pm–9pm.

"The Wisdom of Poetic Cosmology",
Verge Conference 2013 on "Arts and Narrative",
Trinity Western University, September 27, 2013.

"The Poetry of Gregorian Chant",
Gregorian Institute of Canada Conference 2013 on "Chant and Culture",
University of British Columbia, August 9, 2013.

"Natural Law and Scapegoating" [paper read in absentia],
Oppression, Resistance, and Rights: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives, a symposium sponsored by the
Canadian Jacques Maritain Association at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2013,
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, June 5, 2013.

"Thomas Aquinas: Before and After",
Faith 101 Saturday Seminar Series,
St. Ann's, Abbotsford, May 11, 2013.

"God and the Modern World" Panellist,
Civitas, Vancouver, BC, May 5, 2013.

"The Origins of the Sexes in Hesiod’s Poetry",
Upper Hall, Hellenic Community Centre
4500 Arbutus Street, Vancouver, BC, March 25, 2013.

"Aquinas, Postmodern Intellectual Culture, and the Philosophy of History: Marshall McLuhan's Semiotic Thomism",
Paper delivered at St. Mark's College's conference on Vatican II and the New Evangelization,
St. Mark's College, University of British Columbia, Mar 2, 2013, 1:45-4:00pm.

"Is Evolution an Evil Teaching?",
Two public lectures and a Q & A discussion together with TWU Prof. Grant N. Havers,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, Feb 28, 2013, 7:00-9:30pm.

"Does Modern Science Attain Knowledge of Essences?",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle, a joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen,
Redeemer Pacific College, Langey, BC, January 26, 2013, 10am–12noon.

Ian Hutchinson on "Faith, Evidence, and Reason": Panel Discussion with Myron Penner and Jens Zimmermann,
Hosted by the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, Jan 24, 2013, 1:00-2:30pm.

HELLBOUND?: Film Screening and Panel Discussion,
Hosted by TWU Communications Prof. Ned Vankevich,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, Jan 21, 2013, 7:00-9:30pm.

"Hesiod and Historiogenesis: New Media and a Millennial Constant",
Semiotic Society of America 2012 conference (37th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America)
at Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, on November 3, 2012.

"Natural Law: Ultimate Normative Foundations",
Thomas Aquinas Study Circle, a joint seminar with Dr. David Klassen,
Corpus Christi College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, October 27, 2012, 10am–2pm.

"Talking with Teachers: Liberal Arts and Prof-etic Theology",
Panel discussion with Morrissey, Townsend, and Zimmermann on the place of Liberal Arts in the University,
West Coast Collegium, October 26, 2012, 7pm.

"Making Music Together: Alfred Schütz’s Challenge to Edmund Husserl",
School of the Arts, Media and Culture: Verge 2012 Conference, Arts and Ethics,
Trinity Western University, Langley, BC, October 19, 2012.

"Prometheus, Pandora, and Modern Science",
Catholic After Hours
Conversations: Religion — Church — Culture,
The Irish Heather Pub, Whiskey House, Gastown, Vancouver, BC, Oct 7, 2012, 7pm.

An Encounter With Simone Weil: Film Screening and Panel Discussion,
Hosted by the TWU School of Education,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, Oct 4, 2012, 7-9pm.

From the Dust: Film Screening and Panel Discussion,
Hosted by the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation and Redeemer Pacific College,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, Sept 13, 2012, 7-9pm.

Cosmic Origins: Film Screening and Panel Discussion,
Hosted by Redeemer Pacific College and the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, Sept 6, 2012, 7-9pm.

The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: The Church Fathers, Doctors, Popes, Sacred Art & Music II,
Fides et Ratio Seminars of the Faith & Reason Institute,
Thomas More College, Merrimack, New Hampshire, June 2–9, 2012.

"Anselm Redivivus: Eric Voegelin's Philosophy of Consciousness as a Rejoinder to Edmund Husserl",
North American Society for Early Phenomenology, Munich and Göttingen Phenomenology
2012 Inaugural Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 25–26, 2012.

"Do You Need Proof That God Exists? Socrates versus the Scientists: What Can We Prove About God?",
Catholic After Hours
Conversations: Religion — Church — Culture,
The Irish Heather Pub, Whiskey House, Gastown, Vancouver, BC, May 20, 2012.

"The Importance of Aquinas for Philosophy",
2012 Fideles Ecumenical Conference (with Archbishop Michael Miller on "The Importance of Aquinas for Theology"),
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, March 15, 2012, 7pm.

"Is There a Universal, Objective Morality?"
Public Debate at Trinity Western University vs. Dr. Grant Havers,
Northwest Auditorium, March 7, 2012, 7pm.

"Peter Kreeft? He Needs No Introduction",
Introduction to talks by Peter Kreeft,
Westminster Abbey, Mission, BC, January 28, 2012.

"Talking with Teachers: Prof-etic Theology",
Panel discussion with Morrissey, Spencer, Townsend, and Zimmermann on the place of Theology in the University,
West Coast Collegium, January 26, 2012, 7pm.

"The Historical Adam: A Philosophical Approach to Original Sin",
TWU Faculty Science and Christianity Study Group,
Neufeld 37, Trinity Western University, January 9, 2012, 1pm.

"Journey of the Mind towards God: Testimony from Two Philosophers (Dr. C.S. Morrissey and Dr. Phillip Wiebe)",
TWU Philosophy Department Public Lecture on Thomas Aquinas's Five Ways,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, November 4, 2011, 7pm.

"Does Free Trade Undermine Food and Water as Human Rights?
Distinguishing Ontological Aspects of the Problem with Contributions from Jacques Maritain and Thomas Aquinas
Canadian Jacques Maritain Association 2011 Conference, Religion, Philosophy and Economics,
Dominican University College, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 29, 2011.

"Solesmes Old and New: Modeling Systems Theory and Gregorian Semiology",
Chant: Old and New, Sixth Annual Colloquium of the Gregorian Institute of Canada,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 5, 2011.

"A Brief History of Thomism",
Catholic After Hours
Church History Seminar Series,
The Irish Heather Pub, Whiskey House, Gastown, Vancouver, BC, June 19, 2011.

The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,
Fides et Ratio Seminars of the Faith & Reason Institute,
Thomas More College, Merrimack, New Hampshire, June 5–11, 2011.

"Thomas Aquinas and Adolf Reinach on States of Affairs",
2011 Annual Conference on Christian Philosophy, The Early Phenomenology: Munich and Göttingen,
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio, April 30, 2011.

"Chants of a Lifetime: Singing Gregorian Chant—A Basic Tutorial", Junior Classical League,
St. George's School, Vancouver, BC, April 9, 2011.

"Pope Benedict XVI on Natural Law" and "Thomas Aquinas on Natural Law and Human Rights",
Recollection Half-Day for Lent, Our Lady of the Assumption Parish,
Port Coquitlam, BC, April 2, 2011.

"The Discovery of the Being of Metaphysics: Is Metaphysics Parasitic on Physics?" [paper offered in absentia],
31st Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies, The Metaphysics of Aquinas and its Modern Interpreters,
Fordham University, Lincoln Center, New York City, March 26, 2011.

"Thomas Aquinas on Law and Providence",
Catholic Studies Conference, In Search of the Good in the World: Scholarly Perspectives in Conversation,
St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, March 12, 2011, 2:45pm.

"Whither the Free Market? Food and Water as Universal Rights",
TWU Biology Club, Faith and Science Week,
Robert N. Thompson Building, RNT 215, Trinity Western University, February 3, 2011, 7pm.

"The History of Human Desire",
SFU Seniors Program and The SFU Seniors Lifelong Learners Society, Saturday Seniors Forums ,
Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada, December 4, 2010.

"Thomas Aquinas on Natural Law and the Decalogue",
Guest Seminar for Christine Jones' RELS 160 RP "Introduction to Theology", on Catechism of the Catholic Church 2052-2195,
Redeemer Pacific College, Langley, BC, November 29, 2010.

"Metaphysics as an Intercultural Philosophy: New Proofs for the Existence of God?",
Canadian Jacques Maritain Association 2010 Conference, Intercultural Philosophy and the Christian Tradition,
Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 22, 2010.

"Aquinas on Truth: Individuation, Relations, and States of Affairs ",
American Maritain Association 2010 Conference, Scholasticism and Politics,
Walsh University, Canton, Ohio, October 15, 2010.

"Stephen Hawking and Thomas Aquinas on Creation as Origin",
School of the Arts, Media and Culture 2010 Conference, Arts and Genesis,
Trinity Western University, Langley, BC, October 1, 2010.

"Hylemorphism and Individuation: Edith Stein's Protosemiotic Revision of Thomism?",
2010 Annual Conference on Christian Philosophy, Edith Stein's Finite and Eternal Being,
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio, April 24, 2010.

"Mad Men and the Eternal Husband: From Dostoevsky to Don Draper",
Gender Studies Institute Gender Café,
Graduate Collegium, Fosmark Building, Trinity Western University, March 24, 2010.

"A Twitch Upon the Thread: Aquinas on Elicited Natural Desire for God",
Fideles 2010 4th Annual Symposium, Longing for God: The Secret of the Human Heart,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, February 5, 2010.

"Thomas Aquinas on the Development of Doctrine",
Guest Seminar for RELS 671 "Development of Christian Doctrine", RNT 126,
Trinity Western University, February 1, 2010.

"'Hold the Apocalypse': René Girard on Violent Truths in Greek Tragedy and Shakespeare",
The Verge Arts Series 2009 Conference, Arts and Knowing,
Trinity Western University, Langley, BC, October 29, 2009.

"The Origins of Evil: René Girard's Mimetic Theory and a Thomistic Doctrine of Relations",
American Maritain Association 2009 Conference, God and the Permission of Evil,
University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, October 23, 2009.

"Did the Latin Age Really Begin with Augustine?",
Semiotic Society of America 2009 Conference, The Semiotics of Time,
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 15, 2009.

"Generative Anthropology: The Nominalist Hypothesis" [paper read in absentia],
Panel 9 (1:30-3:00), Language, Rhetoric and Representation, Generative Anthropology Summer Conference,
University of Ottawa, June 20, 2009.

"Did Aristotle Argue for "An Inherent Devaluation of Woman in Relation to Man"?",
Dodson Room, 2:00-4:00 Panel on "Modeling Antiquity", Classical Association of Canada,
University of British Columbia, May 14, 2009.

"The Agent Intellect and the Interior Word: Augustine, Aquinas, Neoplatonism",
2009 Annual Conference on Christian Philosophy, Neo-Platonism and Its Legacy,
Franciscan University of Steubenville, April 25, 2009.

"The Luminosity of Existence",
Fideles 2009 3rd Annual Symposium, The Roots of Western Culture,
Alumni Hall, Trinity Western University, March 14, 2009.

"Thomas Aquinas, Human Science, and Sacred Science",
Guest lecture for RELS 476, RNT,
Trinity Western University, February 17, 2009.

"The Catholic Social Vision and Barack Obama",
Colloquium with Response to Deacon Keith Fournier and Grant Havers,
Block Hall, Trinity Western University, January 16, 2009.

"'On the mount Yahweh was seen': Greek and Latin Hermeneutics of Genesis 22",
Septuagint Institute Conference, Septuagint Translation(s): Retrospect and Prospect,
Northwest Auditorium, Trinity Western University, September 19, 2008.

"Christopher Dawson, Leo Strauss, and Rémi Brague on The Making of Europe",
Guest lecture RELS 476, RNT,
Trinity Western University, September 17, 2008.

"Athens, Jerusalem, Rome: The Making of Europe",
The 2008 - 2009 ISI Honors Program, Civilization and Civilizations: The West in Context Summer Conference,
Hôtel Château Laurier, Québec City, June 27, 2008.

"Aquinas on Astrology",
Address to the Knights of Columbus, Redeemer Pacific College,
Trinity Western University, Langley, British Columbia, March 8, 2008.

"Physical or Metaphysical? The 'Teleological' Proof for the Existence of God in Aristotle",
American Maritain Association, University of Notre Dame, October 25-28, 2007.

"Generative Anthropology and Heidegger’s Event: Vom Ereignis",
Generative Anthropology Thinking Event 2007
First Annual Generative Anthropology Conference,
Vancouver School of Theology, University of British Columbia, July 27, 2007.

"The Metaphysics of Causality",
Institute for the Study of Nature 2007 Conference,
The Nature of Nature
University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, June 16, 2007.

"The Semiotics of Catharsis",
Through a Glass Darkly
Conference on Christianity and Literature,
Trinity Western University, May 10, 2007.

"Karl Barth's Last Stand: A Refutation of Revelational Positivism's Revolt against Reason",
Analogy of Being Ecumenical Dialogue Forum, response to Dr. Archie Spencer,
Block Hall, Neufeld Science Centre, Trinity Western University, March 15, 2007.

"Leo Strauss, Socrates, and the Philosophy of Nature",
Nature, Science and Wisdom: The Role of the Philosophy of Nature
2006 conference of the American Maritain Association,
Aquinas College, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, November 4, 2006.

"Dialectic and Demonstration in the Philosophy of Nature",
Maritain and the Philosophy of Nature
2006 conference of the Canadian Jacques Maritain Association,
Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 20, 2006.

"The Semiotics of Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory and Eric Gans’ Generative Anthropology",
Semiotic Society of America 2006 conference at Purdue University, September 28, 2006.

"Galileo’s intelligent evolution",
Roundtable Forum: God, the Nature of Nature, and Science,
NATS 487 event with Tony Cummins, Myron Penner, Brian Gobbet, and Paul Brown,
Block Hall, Neufeld Science Centre, Trinity Western University, September 26, 2006.

"The Semiotics of Good Mimesis in Greek Tragedy and Shakespeare",
Colloquium on Violence and Religion 2006 conference on Mimesis, Creativity and Reconciliation,
Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada, June 3, 2006.

"The Science Before Science: Remembering What Is",
North Shore Catholic Seminar Series, Christ the Redeemer Parish, April 28, 2006.

"Oresteia: the oikos writ large?"
Classical Association of the Canadian West conference on Irrationality in Antiquity,
Saskatoon, SK, February 11, 2006.

"Impacting Culture: Can I Change My World?"
Panel discussion with Peter Kreeft and Robert Stackpole and Hans Boersma
Trinity Western University, Langley, BC, January 8, 2006.

"The Immaterial Intellect on the Originary Scene",
[Prize Winner: Raymund Schwager Memorial Award]
Colloquium on Violence and Religion 2005 conference on Mimetic Theory and the Imitation of the Divine,
Koblenz-Schoenstatt, Germany, July 8, 2005.

"Defending the Greeks",
Vancouver Greek Day: Hellenic Cultural Week,
Hellenic Cultural Centre, Vancouver, BC, June 20, 2005.

"Aristotle on Conspiracy Theories",
Classical Association of the Canadian West conference on Irrationality in Antiquity,
Laurel Point Inn, Victoria, BC, February 18, 2005.

"Aristotle’s Perfect Virtue: A Political Life?"
Western Canadian Philosophical Association, 41st Annual Meeting: Conference on Aristotle and Aristotelian Philosophy,
Laurel Point Inn, Victoria, BC, October 29-31, 2004.

"Aristotle and Girard on Science: Nature, Human Nature, and the Mimetic Theory",
Colloquium on Violence and Religion 2004 conference on Nature, ‘Human Nature’ and the Mimetic Theory,
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, New Mexico, June 3, 2004.

"The WMD Fama: A "Noble Lie"? The Bush Doctrine and the Plato Doctrine",
Conference on Fame: I’m going to live forever!,
Green College, University of British Columbia, May 6, 2004.

"Oresteia as Agônisma: Aristotle on Tragic Form as Competition Piece",
Classical Association of the Canadian West conference on Competition in the Ancient World:
Contesting, Controlling, Subverting
, University of Manitoba, March 20, 2004.

"Shakespeare, Aristotle, and Ben Jonson in Mimetic Rivalry",
Colloquium on Violence and Religion 2003,
Passions in Economy, Politics, and the Media, University of Innsbruck, June 20, 2003.

"Aristotle on Textual and Material History: Mythical Structures of Reality",
Classical Association of the Canadian West conference on
Texts and Material Culture, University of Calgary, March 22, 2003.

"Human Difference and Religion: Girard, Derrida, and Postmodern Anthropology",
Institute for the Humanities: Modernity, Secularity, Faith: Where are we now?
Simon Fraser University, February 27, 2003.

"The Scythian Crux: Reading Scapegoats in Colossians 3:11",
Colloquium on Violence and Religion 2002,
Judaism, Christianity, and the Ancient World: Mimesis, Sacrifice, and Scripture, Purdue University, June 8, 2002.

"Girardian Interpretations of Nietzsche",
Department of Humanities, The Humanities Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, May 16, 2002.

"‘In Our Own Despite’: Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and Aeschylus’s Agamemnon",
Classical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, University of British Columbia, May 12, 2002.

"The Girard Polemos", Retrospective Essay on the
Conference on Alternatives to Violence: Joanne Brown Symposium, October 25, 2001.

"Reading Mimesis Against Revenge: Girard and Mimetic Violence", Response to Stephen Levine,
Conference on Alternatives to Violence: Joanne Brown Symposium, Bowen Island, October 12, 2001.

"Deconstructing Demeter",
Conference on Sex and Violence in the Ancient World,
Green College, University of British Columbia, May 5, 2001.

"The Winter of Her Discontent: Persephone in the Underworld",
Classical Association of the Canadian West conference on
The Seasons: Greek and Roman Perspectives, Varscona Hotel, Edmonton, AB, March 3, 2001.

"Dignatio non debitum: St. Augustine and St. Faustina on Mercy and Sacrifice",
The second North American Symposium of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy,
St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Vancouver, BC, on February 3, 2001.

"Eschatology in the Xanthippic Dialogues", Conference on Millennia, Messiahs, and Mayhem,
Green College, University of British Columbia, May 6, 2000.

"Cultural Diversity in the Xanthippic Dialogues", Classical Association of the Canadian West /
Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest conference on Cultural Diversity in the
Ancient World
, Laurel Point Inn, Victoria, BC, March 10, 2000.


C.S. Morrissey